




中林 誠


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  • 5回生:9名
  • 4回生:8名




金属樹生成反応に対する磁場効果  光反応に対する磁場効果









  • Itoh, H., Wang, R. S., Maki, S. et al., "Effects of work schedule and period of exposure on changes in urinary chromium and nickel excretion among rotating shift workers in a stainless steel plant", Chronobiology International 36 (10), 1439-1446 (2019).
  • Hatsuda, Y., Maki, S. et al., "Data analysis of the cross-resistance rate between antimicrobials by nonmetric asymmetric multidimensional scaling", International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences 23 (2), 59-68 (2019).
  • Maki, S., Hirota, N. and Hagiwara, M. "Visualization and analysis of magneto-thermal convection of paramagnetic liquid in the Rayleigh-Benard model", Physical Review E 98, 033109, (2019).
  • 牧 祥, 他, "タンパク質結晶の熱物性値の温度依存性", 第14回日本磁気科学会年会, (2019).
  • 牧 祥, 他, "タンパク質結晶の熱物性値における結晶異方性の影響について", バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会 第32回年次大会 (2019).
  • 牧 祥, 国島直樹, "タンパク質結晶化プロセスにおける自由エネルギーは実測可能か?",第19回日本蛋白質科学会年会 (2019).
  • 宇田川周子 他, "多職種連携教育としての薬学部及び看護学校1年生によるカリキュラム相互比較 ワークショップ参加者アンケートの統計解析", 日本薬学会第140年会(2020).


  • Udagawa, C., Ueno M., Hisaki T., Maeda M., Maki S., Morimoto S., and Tanimoto, Y., "Magnetic Field Effects on Electroless Deposition of Lead Metal - Lorentz Force Effects", The Chemical Society of Japan 91 (2), 165-172 (2018)
  • Fujiwara, S., Maki, S. et al., "Measurement of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of hen egg-white lysozyme crystals which are crystallized in containerless conditions", 20th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties (2018).
  • Tanimoto, Y. and Udagawa, C., "Lorentzs Force Effects on Liquid/Solid Inhomegeneous Reaction", ed. By James C. Taylor, Advances in CHEMISTRY RESEARCH vol.56, NOVA science publishers, 235-255 (2019)


  • Maki, S., Tanaka, K. and Morimoto, S., "Magnetothermal convection of air in a shallow vessel under the application of an axisymmetric magnetic force.", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 86(2), 024402-1-10, (2017).
  • Fujiwara, S., Maki, S., et al., "Measurements of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of hen egg-white lysozyme crystals and its solution using the transient short hot wire method", International Journal of Thermophysics, 38(8), 123 (2017).
  • 西田貴子, 立花美加, 久永直見, 榊原洋子, 牧 祥, "ある教員養成系大学とその附属学校の教職員のVDT作業と自覚症状に関する5年間の縦断的解析"", バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会誌, 19(1), 99-116 (2017).
  • 宇田川周子 他, "鉛樹生成反応の磁場効果―ローレンツ力の影響", 第12回 日本磁気科学会年会 (2017).


  • Maki, S., "Magnetothermal convection of water with the presence or absence of a magnetic force acting on the susceptibility gradient", PLoS ONE 11(9) 0160090 (2016).
  • Maki, S., Tanimoto, Y., Udagawa, C., Morimoto, S., and Hagiwara, M., "In situ observation of containerless protein crystallization by magnetically levitating crystal growth", Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 55, 035505-1-6 (2016).
  • 宇田川周子 他, "金属樹生成反応―ローレンツ力による磁場効果", 第11回日本磁気科学会年会(2016)


  • Udagawa, C., et al., "Magnetic Field Effects on Lead Metal Deposition from Lead(II) Acetate Aqueous Solution.", International Conference on Magneto-Science, Matsumoto/Japan (2015).
  • Fujiwara, S., Maki, S. et al., "Measurement of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of hen egg-white lysozyme crystals using short hot wire method", International Conference of Global Network for Innovative Technology (IGNITE) (2016).
  • Maki, S., Tanimoto, Y., Udagawa, C., Morimoto, S., "Effect of magnetic susceptibility gradient force on magnetothermal convection", International Conference on Magneto-Science 2015 (ICMS 2015), Matsumoto/Japan (2015).
  • Tanaka, K., Maki, S., Tanimoto, Y., Udagawa, C., Morimoto, S., "Three-dimensional computation of magnetothermal convection of air located in the center of a superconducting magnet", International Conference on Magneto-Science 2015 (ICMS 2015), Matsumoto/Japan (2015).


  • Udagawa, C., Maeda, A., Katsuki, A., Maki, S., Morimoto, S. and Tanimoto, Y., "Magnetic Field Effects on Copper Metal Magnetic Field Effects on Copper Metal Deposition from Copper Sulfate Aqueous Solution.", The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 118 , 4889 - 4894 (2014).


  • Tanimoto, Y., Udagawa, C., Katsuki, A., Maki, S. and Morimoto, S. , "Weak magnetic field effects on silver dendrite formation." , Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 86(12), 1447 - 1449 (2013).